Risk management strategies for Filipino forex traders

1 year ago

Risk management uses stop-loss orders and profit targets in the Forex market to manage your trading capital. Forex risk management minimizes losses by setting predetermined levels at which traders exit their positions, known as stop-loss orders or take-profit targets.

Risk management is one of the three pillars of successful trading, alongside sound money management and technical analysis. Risk control should be a priority for everyone who trades currencies to succeed in trading.

The Philippines is one of the top 10 countries in forex trading. It has a lot of its own risks and challenges that are unique to this country. This makes it quite complicated for new traders to do forex trading online in the country.

These risks include only being able to sign up with a forex broker that plays by the rules and has a license. This is also quite complicated because there is no one governing body, such as CySEC in Europe, that all brokers must follow. Anyone can only pick out a forex broker that works with an international organization, so the company can get its own license and then be monitored for proper behavior.

Understanding Risk in Forex Trading 

In today’s cutthroat era, forex trading can be a great way for investors to earn a substantial income, but it is important to note that it also carries sizable risks. To augment your odds of success in forex trading, it is important for traders to be aware of the basics of the market and the different types of risks associated with it. These risks typically include market, liquidity, political, exchange rate, and credit risks. 

Market risk is the commonest type of risk, and it is majorly about the variation in currency prices in the wake of changes in economic conditions or geopolitical events. Liquidity risk refers to traders’ ability and common sense when buying and selling currencies at the best possible prices. Political risks refer to intercedes in government policies that can force changes in currency values. 

Exchange rate risks reference variations in exchange rates that can impinge on profits or losses for traders. Finally, credit risks come to pass when there is a substantial lack of funds on the traders’ end to carry on or carry out the trade or if they are found below the mark to meet the margin requirements set by their broker. Understanding these risks can help traders make smarter decisions when trading forex and cut down their losses.

How to measure and manage risk in Forex trading?

The future is unpredictable, so it is impossible to predict it with 100% accuracy. Considering the same, it is equally too hard or impossible to determine risk in Forex trading unless you measure it. So before you resolve the risk, it is important to measure them. So once you are aware of the type of risk, you can deal with it by taking the right steps. As a Forex trader, you can deal with the entire capital you risk anytime. This is termed your trading account. Your trading account is split up into two pools of money: one for-profit and one for loss. You use the capital in your loss pool to deal with your risk and keep losses at bay.

Importance of risk management in long-term Forex trading success

Because forex trading is all about the money amount a trader invests, therefore whether the trading will succeed or fail is subject to vary depending on the amount a trader considers investing in. For example, if a trader carries too little funds to bet, the odds of success are generally less than succumbing to failure. Traders lacking funds are left with no option but to get a simple trade off the ground with a trivial amount to gain an understanding of forex trading before they consider investing substantial funds in a forex trading platform in the Philippines eventually. 

On the other hand, a person having substantial funds should consider giving close and thoughtful attention to risk and managing it effectively. Simply put, a trader with the maximum money saved so far should avoid betting in one go. Specifically, they should be considerate enough to pay attention to each market move and place fewer transactions.

In short, traders need to learn about risk management. With proper risk management, traders will have a pretty idea of the bets they can place and earn better ROI. On the other hand, overlooking compute risk will cause traders to make bad or risky investments unlikely to generate profit.

Setting Trading Objectives and Limits

How to set realistic trading objectives and limits?

Track Record

To realize what works, you must first analyze your personal track record. While looking at your history may not seem like a good idea initially, it is incredibly valuable. By analyzing previous trades and evaluating them from both an emotional and logical standpoint, you can determine how best to move forward. This process will ensure that you don’t trade the same erroneous plays again when making new ones for the next time.

Time Management

Simply put, the feature of time management in setting realistic trading objectives and limits are also crucial. Many traders easily ensure they have a lot of time for trading; in general, you do not have, as you have your fingers in many pies. So if you start giving time to forex trading, you enhance the odds of success in it.

Trading the Market

Making your forex trading initiative a good success is not very hard, provided that you know how to trade well in the market, what is the high time for trading, etc.

When you know how trading works in theory, you can begin to think about how best to apply those concepts specifically for yourself. 

How to balance risk and reward in Forex trading?

Knowing how to balance risk and reward in Forex trading can go a long way toward helping you become more successful at this trade and also choosing the right broker partner. Too many traders tend to focus 100% on profiting and neglect the task of managing risk. Taking too much risk can do more harm than good; the best approach is checking your signals and using stops to manage your trades to ensure that you are always making gains but not losing everything.

Importance of having a trading plan and sticking to it

A trading plan is a specific guideline or roadmap a trader should follow while trading. In general, it will help you ensure what steps you need, when to take them, and things you can keep in mind to boost your trading performance.

Although it is not crucial to follow every line of the guide, understanding it will help you a lot in trading successfully most of the time. Also, consider steering clear of mistakes and reviewing your performance as frequently as possible, as this will also contribute to providing real success.

Using Stop-Loss Orders and Other Risk Mitigation Tools 

How stop-loss orders work and how to use them effectively

Stop-loss orders are a way to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price. They are designed to limit either capital gains or losses in a trading position. By default, traders can place stop-loss orders only on the day they initiate their trade, allowing them to take advantage of any opportunities arising on the market.

However, if you’re uncomfortable leaving your position open for an indefinite period or have lost faith in your strategy, you can use stop-loss orders. These orders will close out your position at predetermined levels and protect you from any downside risk and future losses if the trade goes against you.

What other risk mitigation tools, such as take-profit orders and trailing stops are

Using risk management tools is a wise idea to stop losses and take-profit orders in tandem. These tools allow you to minimize your exposure while still being able to profit from upswings in stock prices. However, many beginners look for a simple way to use stop-and-take-profit orders. To help them, we have created this guide to help you understand these simple tools and how to use them for your best benefit.

What are trailing stops and Take Profit Orders?

Trailing stops and take-profit orders protect you from large losses by ensuring that your stock doesn’t trade for a certain period of time. They prevent your losses by placing an order to sell a stock at the last price if it closes outside the set price range.

Stops are best used with stocks that have a high turnover rate and are subject to extreme volatility. In this case, trailing stops will help limit your losses while still allowing you to profit from sudden increases in the stock price. Take-profit orders can be used with any stock regardless of its trading activity or volatility.

Benefits and limitations of using risk mitigation tools in Forex trading

Although Forex trading is cost-effective, it is important to learn that it is fraught with financial risk. Various effective risk mitigation tools, for example, stop-losses and stop-limits, are widely used by traders to get on top of their forex risk exposure, but it is not sure that they will work wonders for traders at all times. Considering the same, it is wise for traders to understand both benefits and limitations of using these tools before concluding how best to use them.

Diversification and Portfolio Management 

Importance of diversification in Forex trading

Diversification is an important aspect of Forex trading. We usually hear the term associated with investments and other financial activities, but diversification can also help traders by reducing the risk of a loss. With proper diversification, you are more likely to keep your losses at a manageable level and avoid large market drawdowns. 

Diversifying across markets helps reduce risk in ways that might not be so apparent for individual markets; for example, changes in exchange rates between different currencies can cause sudden shocks which significantly affect all markets simultaneously.

How to create a diversified Forex trading portfolio?

If investing in the foreign exchange market is what you plan to do, you would want to learn how to create a diversified Forex trading portfolio. If you are on the fence about a trading portfolio, it is very important to learn about it. A trading portfolio includes every investment you have made and summarizes your integral investment strategy. 

It also aims to outperform the general market. It does this by having multiple sources of capital that reward different types of returns for different risk levels. This way, if one investment doesn’t perform as well as it should, then it won’t hurt your overall results too much because there are other places those funds can come from to support it.

Portfolio management strategies to minimize risk and maximize returns

Investing isn’t always easy. But when you know how to create a diversified portfolio and handle risk, the right investments can help you grow your money faster than the inflation rate! So what are these “portfolio management strategies”? You may have heard them referred to as a blend of investing styles that create risk-averse portfolios for long-term growth or aggressive portfolios for short-term gains. This type of portfolio is created by strategically allocating different types of investments to reduce volatility and increase return.

Managing Emotions and Psychological Risk 

Impact of emotions and psychology on Forex trading risk

Ever wonder why some Forex traders are successful while others enjoy only modest returns? There is one major difference between these two groups of traders: emotions. It’s not that the more successful traders better understand risk and return; it’s their willingness to control their emotions.

Many new Forex traders enter the scene with little or no experience handling their own emotions, often manifested as fear and greed during a trading session. As a result, they become so over-excited about the possibility of making easy money in Forex trading that they unconsciously take excessive risks or become too fearful of taking any at all. Either way, this spells disaster for both the account balance and the trader’s peace of mind.

Techniques to manage emotions and avoid psychological traps in trading

A trader’s mind is a crucial yet uncommonly discussed aspect of the trade. A trader’s psychological mindset has a significant impact on trading performance. The following techniques can help traders manage their emotions and avoid common psychological traps.

1) Mental Preparation prior to Trading: The trader should do a reality check prior to trading. Reality checks can help a trader:

a) Realize the level of their personal preparedness for the trading session

b) Acknowledge how conditional factors such as emotions can affect their performance

c) Set personal goals and do your best to achieve them rather than just focusing on making money.

Apart from helping traders manage their emotions, these strategies can also help them maintain their strong and weak points, thus increasing their trading performance.

Importance of maintaining a healthy mindset for successful Forex trading

The success of any Forex trader largely depends on the mindset they bring to trading. A healthy mind will help prevent mental weakness, which can lead to trading failures or a variety of other stress-related problems. Like any other business, traders must maintain a positive mindset to succeed.

The Forex market may be fascinating to a new trader, but at the same time, it can be challenging. However, by implementing a few specific strategies, traders can get on top of this critical aspect and emerge as successful traders gradually. It all requires a trader to maintain a positive mentality and optimistic outlook for success for traders of all skill levels to succeed.


Over the past few years, many Filipino traders have entered Currency Trading. And while the world of currency trading is largely cost-effective, it is important to note that trading in foreign exchange can also be extremely risky. 

Here are some key risk management strategies for Filipino Forex traders:

  • Use leverage only as a last resort; you should only use leverage if you are sure your intuition is correct.
  • A stop-loss order will minimize losses and maximize gains; limit yourself to using this tool with just 10% of your account balance. 
  • Never share your trading account credentials with anyone. 
  • Always be aware of the possibility of a market reversal. 
  • Don’t be reckless; take advantage of all available tools and have a healthy dose of skepticism. 
  • Know that nothing is guaranteed in Forex, but know that despite its volatility, there are many opportunities to make gains even in adverse conditions.

Forex traders new to the trading world often put themselves at a significant disadvantage. While it’s understandable that many individuals want to get their feet wet in a low-risk manner, for those traders looking to make significant profits, managing risk is an integral part of success. From using stop orders and limit orders to setting a profit target and stopping limit-forex, traders can manage risk without worrying as much.